Introducing the Kaleidoscope Playground
Play is the highest form of research,' and we agree! To celebrate 35 years, we launched the Kaleidoscope Playground, debuting with Colour Flood, a fun, addictive browser-based puzzle game.

Albert Einstein famously said “Play is the highest form of research” and we couldn’t agree more.

We are a curious and creative bunch here at Kaleidoscope, and we often spend time trying out new ideas, experimenting with technology or having a good old play with something new that we find interesting.
Often these things end up filed at the bottom of a shared drive and forgotten about, but as part of our 35th birthday celebrations we have not only been carving out some more time for the team to explore ideas, learn new skills and generally have a bit of fun doing what they enjoy, but we have decided to create a dedicated space to publish and celebrate these moments of creative play. We call it the Kaleidoscope Playground.
Our first release is a browser-based puzzle game called Colour Flood. Our own take on a colourful ‘flood fill’ game built in JavaScript which can run on any device. It is simple to play, hard to master and we dare you to not get addicted!
Visit the Kaleidoscope Playground page to give it a try