Interactive tools which offer powerful engagement
Web apps are accessible tools for various uses, like sales pipeline aids or health conversations. We've created apps that diagnose business issues and promote heart health discussions. Let’s connect!

Many of us use interactive tools and web apps on a daily basis – whether it be webmail, online calculators or e-commerce retailers. Accessed via an internet browser, rather than a downloaded application, web apps are flexible digital tools and accessible across multiple devices.
In recent months we have worked on a number of web apps for our clients that have enabled them to harness the tech and connect with their audiences in a range of ways. This includes a tool to aid the sales pipeline for a business consultancy, through which users are able to ‘diagnose’ their business challenge and therefore provide valuable insight on customer needs to the consultancy . An interactive set of questions are completed by the user in collaboration with the consultancy to drive engagement, with a personalised report automatically generated for every user that highlights the areas that they need support.
We’ve also worked on a tool to stimulate conversations around blood pressure between health professionals and the public. Based on a series of on-screen questions and utilised within face-to-face sessions with professionals, the tool encourages people to reflect on their lifestyle before they are presented with a personalised dashboard of their current ‘heart health’. High-level guidance is provided on practical steps that individuals can take to improve their health, while health professionals are able to use the dashboard to prompt further discussions about wider changes that could be made and services available locally.
If you would like to talk to us about creating a web app for you, then please get in touch!

Happy Hearts – a tool to encourage conversations around blood pressure

Diagnostics – a tool to diagnose business challenges amongst prospective clients